What is Tequila made of ? |
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You may have heard of "Mescal" that is the name of liquor distilled from the agave plant. Tequila is the name for mescal from the state of Jalisco in Mexico. In order to be certified by the DGN (a Mexican government agency, sort of like the FDA) as mescal (or tequila), the liquor must contain at least 51% Agave distillate; the rest is usually corn liquor, which is cheaper. If a bottle of tequila or mescal is labeled "100% Agave" or "100% Blue Agave", that means that no adulterating liquor is used. |
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What is Gold Tequila? |
The golden tequila is the one I drink most because I like the taste of it better. The gold tequila is a liquor that has been barrel aged for at least 6 months. After that it can be called "reposado" (rested).Liquor that has been aged for at least two years can carry the designation "Añejo" (old). Gold tequilas not labeled as "reposado" have sometimes been barrel aged, but are more often just given food coloring. |
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